About eBents

acerca de ebents

Our History

Our adventure began in 2009 and we have always taken it very seriously, but since then, our business has evolved along with that of the entrepreneurs in Mexico. From having a team of 3 people, today eBents generates 22 direct jobs and more than 12 indirect jobs, all of which are duly registered with the IMSS and we comply with all the laws of our country, acquire products from companies that generate formal jobs and support the economy of Mexico.

Recognized by

Quality Production

Many cabins look or tell you the same, but they are not, do not save a few pesos and sacrifice great quality. We do not want to speak ill of the competition, just do not let them sell you a pig in a poke, if by chance you are considering more options, analyze all the factors, especially those that will give success to your business. We present some images of our production.

Why are we a different option?